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Montreal.     East  End 
Methodist  Chruch 

East  End  Methodist  Church 


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In  the  year  1826  a  "  society  "  was  formed  in  the  "  Quebec  sub 
urbs,"  as  the  east  end  of  the  city  was  then  called,  and  in  the  follow 
ing  year  a  small  chapel  and  school  house  were  erected  in  Gain 
street  for  the  accommodation  of  the  congregation  and  the  children 
of  families  living  in  the  neighborhood.  This  chapel  was  a  frame 
building,  about  forty  feet  long,  by  twenty-four  wide,  and  of  very 
unpretentious  appearance,  both  inside  and  out.  In  those  days  there 
were  but  a  few  scattered  houses  to  be  seen  in  what  is  to-day  the 
thickly  populated  section  of  the  east  end,  and  cattle  grazed  in  the 
fields  in  which  the  site  of  the  present  East  End  Church  was  then 
situated.  At  that  time  things  that  seem,  to  the  present  generation, 
to  have  "  always  been,"  either  did  not  exist  or  were  new  to  the 
people  of  the  time.  Old  St.  James  was  then  (1827)  the  centre  and 
spring  of  Montreal  Methodism,  and  was  the  only  church  owned  by 
the  denomination  in  the  city.  The  Rev.  Dr.  Stinson  was  the  pastor 
of  St.  James  Church,  which  was  situated  at  the  corner  of  St.  James 
and  St.  Francois  Xavier  streets. 

The  members  of  the  new  "society,"  as  the  early  communicants 
of  the  Methodist  Church  called  themselves,  when  they  first  banded 
together  as  a  church,  were  ministered  to  partly  by  the  pastors  of 
"  St.  James  "  and  partly  by  local  preachers  and  class  leaders.  Good 
progress  was  made  during  the  first  ten  years  of  the  society's  exis 
tence,  so  that  in  1837  the  congregation  had  increased  to  such  an 
extent  that  it  was  found  necessary  to  secure  a  new  chapel. 

The  cause  in  the  east  end  found  a  true  and  generous  friend  at 
this  period  in  Mr.  James  Ferrier,  afterwards  the  Honorable  Senator 
Ferrier,  who  fitted  up  a  neat  and  commodious  place  of  worship  on 
Montcalm  street  near  Notre  Dame  street,  which  he  presented  co  the 
society.  The  meeting  place  on  Montcalm  street  is  described  as  a 
long  upper  room  in  a  frame  building  which  stood  between  Notre 
Dame  street,  the  east  end  of  which  was  called  St.  Mary's  street,  and 
the  river,  and  was  used  as  a  chair  factory  on  week  days. 

The  following  entry  appeared  in  the  records  of  the  trustees  of  St. 
James's  Church  on  this  subject,  dated  Oct.  24,  1837:  "Resolved, 
That  we  cheerfully  accept  the  charge  of  the  building  in  the  Quebec 
suburbs,  so  generously  fitted  up  by  Mr.  Ferrier,  at  his  own  expense, 
for  the  worship  of  God,  and  that  the  thanks  of  this  meeting  are 
hereby  tendered  to  Mr.  Ferrier  for  this  kind  and  liberal  offer." 

This  place  was  occupied  by  the  society  free  of  charge  until  1845, 
when  the  present  church  in  Lagauchetiere  street,  corner  of  Plessis 
street  was  erected. 

In  this  year  the  present  East  End  Church  was  opened  by  the 
senior  pastor  of  the  circuit,  the  Rev.  Matthew  Richey,  D.D.,  and  the 
Rev.  G.  H.  Davies  was  placed  in  charge  as  the  first  regular  minister 
of  the  new  independent  church.  The  total  number  of  communicants 
connected  with  the  Methodist  body  at  that  time  in  Montreal  was  770, 
and  those  directly  connected  with  the  East  End  Church  numbered 
about  one  hundred. 


REV.     G.     H.    DAVIES, 
First  Pastor  of  the  E.   E.   M.   Church. 

Ths  original  cost  of  the  East  End  Church  was  $23,401. 

The  Rev.  Dr.  Richey  was  a  man  in  every  way  remarkable;  majes 
tic  in  bearing,  elegant  in  manners  and  undoubtedly  one  of  the  mosT 
eloquent  ministers  of  his  day. 

The  Rev.  Mr.  Davies  entered  the  ministry  in  England  in  1842.  He 
studied  for  two  years  at  the  Richmond  Institute,  London.  England, 
was  ordained  on  Nov.  9,  1845,  and  Montreal  was  his  first  station. 
He  is  remembered  on  account  of  his  great  earnestness.  He  remained 
in  the  active  work  for  forty  years,  at  the  end  of  which  time  he  was 
compelled,  through  bodily  infirmity,  to  ask  for  superannuation. 

The  year  1845  marked  the  beginning  of  a  new  era  for  Methodism 
in  Montreal.  On  July  27  the  second  St.  James  Street  Chruch — the 
third  building  occupied  by  the  congregation — was  opened.  Upon 
their  leaving  the  former  church  at  the  corner  of  St.  Francois  Xavier 
street,  almost  the  entire  furnishings  were  taken  out  of  it  and  placed 

in  the  new  Lagauchetiere  street  building,  which  was  ready  for  open 
ing  a  few  weeks  later.  One  of  the  articles  taken  from  the  old  St. 
James  Street  Church  was  the  pulpit,  which  was — until  recently — 
used  in  the  Bast  End  Church.  It  must  have  been  built  in  1821. 
The  style  of  this  pulpit  was  its  greatest  peculiarity,  its  height  be 
ing  a  remarkable  feature.  It  was  once  a  "  double-decker,"  and 
was  evidently  designed  for  the  use  of  a  preacher  and  a  clerk,  a 
lesson  reader  or  a  precentor.  The  galleries  at  one  time  went  all  the 
way  round  the  interior  of  the  church,  but  the  end  over  the  en 
trance  to  the  church  has  not  been  used  for  many  years  and  is  now 
partitioned  off.  The  seats  have  the  old-fashioned  straight  backs. 
The  basement  has  been  altered  several  times  and  now  affords 
abundant  accommodation  for  Sunday-school,  Christian  Endeavor 
meetings  and  social  gatherings. 


REV.    E.    B.    RYCKMAN,    D.D. 

The  church  proper,  with  galleries  will  seat  about  seven  hundred 
persons.  It  is  a  large  plain-looking  stone  building,  and  in  its  early 
days  was  one  of  the  most  comfortable  and  commodious  in  the  city. 
The  style  of  exterior  architecture  is  of  the  Grecian  Doric  order,  the 
front  being  a  reproduction  of  an  ancient  Greek  temple  and  is  quite 
interesting  to  lovers  of  antiquity.  The  entrance,  which  is  on  La 
gauchetiere  street,  is  ornamented  with  four  large  Doric  pillars  sup 
porting  an  angular  pediment.  The  windows  are  of  the  old  style, 
having  small  panes. 

During  the  pastorate  of  the  Rev.  Mr.  Davies,  the  Rev.  Messrs. 
Chas.  Churchill  and  Dr.  Richey  and  others  often  preached  in  this 
church,  by  exchange  of  pulpits. 

The  Rev.  (afterwards  Dr.  Lachlin  Taylor,  was  pastor  in  1848. 
The  Rev.  John  Jenkins,  D.D.,  LL.D.,  and  the  Rev.  C.  De  Wolfe 
were  pastors  at  St.  James  and  frequently  preached  in  the  East 

End    Church    by  way  of  a  change,  as    also    did    the    Rev.  Charles 

The  Rev.  G.   N.  A.  F.  T.  Dickson  succeeded  to  the  pastorate  in 


The  late  Rev  Geo.  Douglas,  D.D.,  was  pastor  of  the  East  End 
Methodist  Church  in  the  years  1852  and  1853.  During  the  early 
years  of  his  ministry  he  gaveA  promise  of  an  exceptionally  bril 
liant  career  which  promise  was  more  than  attained  to  the  high 
est  rank  in'  Canadian  Methodism.  For  many  years  he  occupied 
the  responsible  position  of  Principal  of  the  Montreal  Methodist 
Theological  College,  which  position  he  held  at  the  time  of  his 
death.  He  was  succeeded  by  the  Rev.  Dr.  Shaw.  At  a  meeting 
of  the  International  Missionary  Union  at  Clifton  Springs,  in  July, 
1893,  a  correspondent  of  the  New  York  "  Independent,"  describing 
the  meeting,  says  : — "  The  most  memorable  event  of  the  meeting 
was  the  sermon  on  Sunday  morning  by  the  Rev.  Dr.  George  Dou 
glas,  President  of  the  Methodist  Theological  College,  Montreal. 
The 'striking  contrast  between  the  appearance  of  the  man  and  the 
quality  of  the  sermon,  made  it  more  memorable.  A  man  totally 
blind,  who  cannot  walk  without  support,  nor  stand  without 
something  solid  to  lean  against,  with  no  use  of  his  hands,  every 
finger  being  rigidly  and  unalterably  closed,  with  a  linen  handker 
chief  drawn  in  between  the  ends  of  the  fingers  and  the  palm  of 
the  right  hand  and  carefully  tied  to  the  thumb,  that  it  may  be 
secure  thus,  this  wonderful  man  is  placed  before  his  audience, 
leaning  against  his  pulpit.  Slowly  and  with  full  voice,  he  an 
nounces  his  text  :  "  And  not  only  so,  but  we  glory  in  tribulation 
also."  "  Tribulation,"  he  said  "  is  the  law  of  physical  develop 

Referring  to  the  struggle  in  the  birth  of  Light,  he  asked, 
"  Who  art  thou,  oh  thou  brilliant  messenger  ?  "  "I  am  the  cast 
away  child  of  the  physical  tribulation,"  was  the  reply."  2.  Tri 
bulation  is  the  law  of  all  noble  achievement.  3.  The  divine  law 
is  the  formation  of  noblest  character.  4.  It  is  the  pledge  of 
divinest  sympathy. 

"  It  is  impossible  to  give  a  comprehensive  idea  of  the  beauty 
of  thought  and  language  in  this  sermon  and  address.  With  a 
lofty  and  comprehensive  range  of  thought  the  language  from  be 
ginning  to  end  was  rapturous  with  poetic  inspiration.  It  must 
have  been  heard  to  be  appreciated,  and  to  be  heard  is  never  to 
be  forgotten." 

The  next  to  follow  the  Rev.  Dr.  Douglas  was  the  Rev.  Dr.  J.  H. 
Bishop  in  1854.  In  1854  Methodism  in  Montreal  was  divided  into 
three  circuits — centre,  east  and  west. 

The  division  caused  trouble,  however,  owing  to  the  manner  in 
which  the  arrangement  was  carried  out  by  those  in  authority,  and 
resulted  in  driving  from  the  Methodist  cause  in  Montreal  a  large 
percentage  of  the  membership  of  two  congregations.  This  move 
ment  seriously  affected  the  East  End  Church,  as  183  members  out  of 
a  total  of  248,  including  all  the  officials  but  one,  withdrew. 

The  seceders  invited  the  New  Connexion  Methodist  Church  to 
open  a  cause  in  Montreal,  with  the  result  that  a  new  church  was 
built  on  Panet  street  for  those  living  in  the  east  end,  and  another 
on  Dupre  lane  for  those  in  the  western  circuit. 

The  Rev.  J.  H.  Bishop  was  appointed  to  the  East  End  Church 
in  1854  and  had  a  rather  hard  time.  One  of  those  who  stayed  with 
the  East  End  Church  in  its  hour  of  trial  was  Mr.  John  Burrell. 
The  work  was  maintained  and  in  time  recovered  from  the  effects 
of  the  unfortunate  circumstances. 

Rev.  J.  Jones  took  charge  in  1855;  Rev.  G.  E.  Sanderson  in  1856- 
57;  Rev.  E.  B.  Ryckman  in  1858-59;  Rev.  W.  R.  Parker  in  1860-62. 

The  Rev.  W.  R.  (now  Dr.)  Parker,  was  the  first  minister  to 
remain  for  a  term  of  three  years. 

During  Mr.  Parker's  time  a  free  school  was  started  to  supply  the 

REV.   H.    F.   BLAND. 


needs  of  those  who  were  unable  to  afford  education  for  their  child 
ren  even  at  a  low  charge.  There  were  no  public  schools  in  the  east 
end  at  that  time  and  the  fees  charged  by  private  schools  were  too 
high  for  many  to  pay.  This  school  was  kept  up  as  a  free  unde 
nominational  day  school  for  eight  years  with  an  average  attendance 
of  about  seventy  pupils.  The  poorest  were  even  supplied  with  books 
free,  and  in  addition  to  all  this  the  ladies  of  the  church  treated  the 
children  to  a  Christmas  dinner  fit  for  the  Queen.  This  speaks 
volumes  for  the  East  End  pioneers,  and  many  men  filling  positions 
of  responsibility  with  success  to-day  can  testify  to  having  received 
their  education  there.  The  success  of  the  undertaking  was  largely 

due  to  Miss  Jean  P.  Campbell,  who  took  hold  of  the  work  in  a  mis 
sionary  spirit  and  won  the  lasting  gratitude  of  hundreds  of  pupils. 

The  Rev.  Henry  P.  Bland  succeeded  Dr.  Parker  in  1863.  He  was 
the  first  married  preacher  in  charge  of  the  church.*  It  is  worthy 
of  remark  that  up  to  this  late  date  the  accounts  of  the  church  were 
all  kept  in  Halifax  currency,  or  pounds,  shillings  and  pence.  The 
change  to  "  dollars  and  cents  :'  was  made  in  1864.  The  first  Ladies' 
Aid  Society  in  this  church  was  organized  during  his  term. 

The  Rev.  John  Borland  followed,  assisted  by  the  Rev.  S.  J.  Hun 
ter.  They  had  Sherbrooke  Street  Church  to  look  after  also.  Mr. 
Borland  was  one  of  the  pioneers  of  Methodism  and  was  a  colleague 
of  the  Rev.  Wm.  Squire  in  1841.  He  held  numerous  important  ap 
pointments,  including  the  presidency  of  the  Montreal  Conference, 


REV.    S.    J.    HUNTER. 

chairmanship  of  several  districts  and  had  charge  of  some  of  fhe 
most  influential  churches.  He  was  a  champion  of  the  cause  of  the 
Oka  Indians  at  the  time  of  their  land  troubles,  many  years  ago. 

The  Rev.  J.  A.  Gordon  followed  him,  and  he  in  turn  was  suc 
ceeded  by  the  Rev.  Wm.  Galbraith,  D.D.,  in  1872  to  1874. 

Dr.  Galbraith  was  a  theologian  and  argumentative  preacher. 
During  his  postorate  Sherbrooke  Street  Church  separated  from  the 
East  End  and  became  an  independent  congregation.  It  was  also 
during  his  term  that  the  present  organ  was  placed  in  the  East  End 

Musical  matters  as  well  as  other  branches  of  the  work  had  been 
developing  during  the  flight  of  years,  and  the  time  had  come  when 
a  modern  organ  was  thought  desirable.  The  days  of  the  precentor 
or  man  who  "  witched  "  the  tunes  had  long  since  passed.  A  small 

"  Alexandre  "  harmonium  had  seen  service  and  had  been  succeeded 
by  a  small  pipe  organ  which  was  purchased  from  one  of  the  Baptist 
churches.  But  the  latter  was  now  out  of  date  and  a  committee, 
two  of  whose  members  were  Dr.  Robins  and  Mr.  Jos.  Bveleigh,  was 
appointed.  The  committee  found  that  the  organ  formerly  in  use 
in  the  American  Presbyterian  Church  was  for  sale.  That  church 
once  stood  at  the  corner  of  McGill  and  S't.  James  street.  The 
congregation  worshipped  in  the  Normal  School  building  while 
their  new  church  on  Dorchester  street  was  being  built,  and  the 
organ  (Warren  make)  was  moved  up  there.  But  the  new  church 
had  to  have  a  new  organ,  so  the  "Warren"  Company  took  the  old 
one  back  and  sold  it  to  the  East  End.  This  was  in  1874. 

REV.    DR.    J.    B.    SAUNDERS. 

REV.    J.    KINES. 

The  musical  service  in  this  church  has  always  been  noted  for 
its  heartiness,  we  have  never  had  a  paid  singer,  nor  a  Godless 
choir.  Long  before  we  had  an  organ  Mr.  John  Mitchell  led  the 
choir  acceptably,  giving  many  of  his  best  years,  freely  to  the 
work.  Mr.  Geo.  Vary  also  rendered  good  service  as  leader.  Pro 
fessor  Miller,  band  master  of  the  60th  Rifles,  took  charge  and  was 
very  successful  in  his  training. 

Dr.  S.  P.  Robins  took  charge  of  the  first  small  organ,  giving 
his  services  free.  He  was  succeeded  by  Mr.  Howard  Ransom.  About 
this  time  the  present  large  pipe  organ  was  installed — then  we  had 
as  organist  and  leaders  of  the  choir,  Miss  Symmester,  Mr.  Herbert 
Patton,  Mr.  S.  F.  Robins,  Arthur  Corneille,  Miss  Shuttleworth 
(now  Mrs.  Ahern),  who  resignd  in  1894  and  was  followed  by  Miss 


Bella  Tarlton,  who,  for  several  years,  gave  acceptable  service. 
When  she  resigned  Mrs.  Ahern  again  proved  herself  a  capable 
organist  and  leader.  Miss  May  Gifford,  her  successor,  is  well  ap 
preciated  as  organist  and  Mr.  R.  F.  Richardson  as  leader. 

Rev.  Dr.  D.  V.  Lucas  was  pastor  in  1878-80  He  remained  three 
years.  He  was  also  for  a  number  of  years  engaged  in  lecturing  on 
behalf  of  the  temperance  cause.  The  Rev.  Mr.  McCann  was  a 
sympathetic  and  attractive  preacher.  He  was  an  Irishman  and  a 
brother  of  Vicar-General  McCann,  of  the  Roman  Catholic  Church 
in  the  diocese  of  Toronto. 

The  Rev.  Dr.  Saunders,  after  a  two  years'  term,  was  appointed 
principal  of  Stanstead  College.  His  removal  from  the  East  End 


REV.    WM.     HALL. 

was  strongly  opposed  by  the  officials  and  congregation,  who  desired 
his  valuable  services  for  another  year.  He  has  been  called  the 
"model  preacher."  The  church  was  first  called  the  "East  End" 
Methodist  Church,  during  the  pastorate  of  the  Rev.  Richard  Whiting. 
The  late  Rev.  Wm.  Hall,  M.A.,  an  old  Montreal  boy,  was  one  of 
the  pastors  of  this  church.  While  among  this  people  he  succeeded 
in  raising  over  five  hundred  dollars  for  the  Protestant  Insane  Asy 
lum  at  Verdun.  He  afterwards  became  Principal  of  the  French 
Methodist  Institute  at  Westmount  Mr.  Hall  was  the  first  Select 
Councillor  of  Orient  Council,  No.  19,  R.  T.  of  T.,  and  was  the  one 
who  suggested  at  the  formation  of  the  Council  in  the  East  End 
Church,  that  it  be  named  "Orient." 


Rev.  F.  C.  Reynolds  was  pastor  in  1895-96.  He  remained  two 

The  Rev.  G.  G.  Huxtable  remained  in  the  East  End  Methodist 
Church  for  a  term  of  four  years  He  was  then  the  oldest  preacher 
in  the  active  work  of  the  ministry  in  the  Montreal  Conference. 
He  was  born  in  Devonshire,  England,  and  commenced  to  preach  in 
1850,  and  has  been  at  it  constantly  with  very  little  rest  ever  since. 
He  entered  the  ministry  in  the  British  Wesleyan  Conference,  and 
early  in  his  ministry  was  appointed  to  the  West  India  Islands  ; 
though  still  retaining  his  membership  with  the  British  Conference. 
He  has  been  thirty  years  in  the  Canadian  field. 

REV.    G.    G.    HUXTABLE. 

REV.   F.    C.   REYNOLDS. 

THE  FORMER  PASTORS   OF  THE  CHURCH— 1845  to  1904. 

In  1845-46,  the  Rev.  Jo<hn  Jones  was  pastor  ;  in  1846-47,  the 
Rev  J  E  Sanderson;  in  1848,  the  Rev.  Lachland  Taylor;  in 
1849-51  the  Rev.  G.  N.  A.  F.  T.  Dickson  ;  in  1852,  the  Rev. 
George  Douglas,  D.D.;  in  1854,  the  Rev.  J.  M.  Bishop  ;  in  1855,  the 
Rev  J  Jones  in  1856-57,  the  Rev.  J.  E.  Sanderson  ;  in  1858-59, 
the  Rev.  E.  B.  Ryckman,  D.D.;  in  1860-62,  the  Rev.  W.  R.  Parker, 
D  D  •  in  1863-65,  the  Rev.  H.  F.  Bland,  (father  of  the  Rev.  Messrs. 
C.  and  S.  Bland),  th.3  assistant,  the  Rev.  Thomas  Derrick  ;  in 
1866-68,  the  Revs.  John  Borland  and  S.  J.  Hunter,  (brother  of  the 
Rev.  Dr.  Hunter,  of  this  city);  in  1869-71,  the  Revs.  G.  A.  Gor 
don  and  Alexander  Campbell  ;  in  1872-74,  the  Rev.  Wm.  Galbraith, 
D.D  •  in  1875-77,  the  Rev.  Richard  Whiting  ;  in  1878-80,  the  Rev. 


D  V  Lucas,  D.D.;  in  1881-82,  the  Rev.  J.  B.  Saunders,,  M.  D.;  in 
1883  the  Rev.  J.  M.  Hagar,  MA.;  in  1884-86,  the  Rev.  James 
Kines  ;  in  1887-88,  the  Rev.  Wm.  Hall,  M.A.;  in  1889-91,  the  Rev. 
Alfred  McCann;  in  1892-94,  the  Rev.  Foster  McAmond,  B.A.;  in 
1895-96,  the  Rev.  P.  C.  Reynolds  ;  in  1897-1900,  the  Rev.  G.  G. 
Huxtable  ;  in  1901-1904,  B.  W.  Crane. 

Rev.  Edward  Ward  Crane,  was  born  in  the  County  of  Gray,  Ont, 
of  Irish  parentage.  He  was  educated  at  Cobourg  Collegiate  In 
stitute  and  Victoria  College.  He  entered  the  ministry  of  the  Metho 
dist  Church  on  the  Franklin  Centre  Circuit,  Quebec,  in  1874,  and 
was  ordained  under  the  presidency  of  the  late  Rev.  John  Borland, 
in  Brockville,  in  June,  1878. 

REV.    E.    W.    CRANE. 

REV.    W.    H.    STEVENS, 
Present  Pastor. 

The  Rev.  William  Hansford  Stevens  is  a  son  of  the  late  Major 
S.  A.  Stevens  of  Sherbrooke. 

In  1885,  and  prior  to  entering  the  Christian  ministry,  Mr. 
Stevens  went  to  Montreal  as  assistant-secretary  of  the  Y.M.C.A. 
which  position  he  held  for  three  years. 

He  took  his  Theological  course  at  the  Wesleyan  Theological 
College  and  with  it  a  partial  course  at  McGill.  He  was  ordained  at 
the  Cornwall  Conference  by  the  Rev.  Dr.  Jackson,  the  President  of 
that  year.  Previous  to  his  ordination,  Mr.  Stevens  was  stationed 
on  the  Calumet  and  Grenville  Circuit  for  one  ye:r  and  afterwards 


became  the  first  minister  of  the  Bell  Street  Church,  Ottawa,  which 
church  was  established  and  built  while  he  had  charge  of  the 

Since  his  ordination,  Mr.  Stevens  has  had  charge  of  the  follow 
ing  churches:  Hudson,  St.  Lambert  and  St.  Henry,  Montreal.  He 
came  to  the  East  End  from  Knowlton,  Que.,  where  he  had  been 
stationed  for  the  past  three  years. 

(See   Page   3.) 

Ex-Mayor  of  London,   Ont. 

THE    QUARTERLY    BOARDS    OF    1855—1886. 

The  minute-book,  beginning  on  July  31,  1855,  and  ending  Nov. 
11,  1886,  furnishes  the  names  of  those  who  composed  the  quarterly 
boards,  viz.:  Messrs.  T.  D.  Hood,  A.  W.  Hood,  Angus  McPhie, 
John  Ballard,  G.  Connolly,  Hunter,  John  Lewis,  John  McComb. 
Ransom,  John  Ferns,  H.  Ransom,  Cooper,  John  Burrell,  Geo.  Daf- 
field,  Isaac  Cleary,  Edward  Pickup,  Fessenden,  W.  Sweet,  John 
Millen,  Richard  Holland,  (ex-alderman  of  this  city) ;  Robt.  Gra 
ham,  W.  A.  Johnston,  H.  Cross,  Thos.  Cassidy  Robt.  Nicholson,  Jas. 
Cassidy,  David  McMillen,  superintendent  of  the  House  of  Industry, 
of  this  city;  S.  P.  Robins,  (Dr.);  Edward  Thompson,  James  Mc 
Millen,  Sergt. -Major  Davis,  W.  H.  Rosevear,  Samuel  Hatton,  G.  A. 
Sargison,  John  Goodbody,  John  H.  Greliston,  Thos.  Oosten,  sr.,  J. 


Severight,  Jameson,  McGowan,  John  Palmer,  Thos.  Crane,  Allen. 
Henry  Vine,  Fisher,  Robt.  Miller,  Watson,  Matthewson,  Rivet, 
Ellis  Dickson,  Young,  J.  Milne,  J.  Lund,  John  Terrill,  Sinclair, 
Wm.  Dawson,  Chas.  Wilson,  Henry  Armstrong,  P.  F.  Ferguson, 
William  Armstrong,  Jas.  Lord,  S.  R.  Pickards,  Francis  Corner, 
Andrew  Irwin,  Thos.  Boyes,  James  Murray,  John  Green,  Chas. 
Deacon,  Arthur  Pickard,  Wm.  Green,  Thos.  Green,  Edward  Smith, 
Thos.  Luscomb,  Jas.  McCracken,  Robt.  Clendinneng,  George  Dea 
con,  Geo.  Dickson,  Wm.  Cole,  John  Weldon,  A.  W.  Kneeland,  Ph. 
D. ;  J.  R.  Johnston,  Wm.  Smith,  James  Hamilton  Ferns,  J.  Ren- 
nick,  Jolm  Best,  Thos.  Fox,  James  Wynn,  Peadon,  Jas.  Mitchell, 
J.  Peterson,  S.  F.  Robins,  A.  McGregor,  Joseph  Carson,  sec.  Do 
minion  Alliance);  H.  Gillespie  ,Wm.  Ford,  Wm.  Strang,  T.  Hinch- 
clif,  John  Mills,  Wm.  Gallagher,  Johnston  Oatey,  Ed.  Bulmer, 
Chas.  Cornell,  J.  H.  McComb,  jr.,  Thos  Garth-cart,  J.  L.  Palmer,  J. 
Brown,  Clippendale,  Davis,  Jackson,  Skeith,  Walter  Lancey  and 
T.  McComb,  A.  Humphreys,  Opzoomer,  C.  Perkins,  W.  G.  Joslin, 
W.  Hart,  Normington,  Carpenter,  J.  Parsons,  Wilson,  Waldron, 
Tucker,  A.  Lewthwaite,  ST.,  R.  Lewthwaite,  jr.,  John  Flower.  J. 
Gilliland,  S.  R.  Burrell,  W.  Burrell,  B.  Tarlton,  A.  Ahern,  J.  Dick 
inson,  T.  Hutchinson,  W.  F.  Borland  Wm.  Owers,  Bryant,  Jones, 
Langtree,  D.  Hurst,  G.  Lambton,  J  Musgrove  and  George  Deacon. 

Messrs.  T.  D.  Hood  and  A.  W.  Hood  were  circuit  stewards  and 
generous  supporters  of  the  East  End  and  other  Methodist  churches 
in  the  city.  One  of  the  latter's  sons,  A.  W.  Hood,  Jr.,  became  a 
Methodist  minister  and  has  preached  in  the  East  End  Church. 

Another  person  to  be  remembered  was  the  late  Mr.  John  McComb, 
who  was  a  member  of  the  quarterly  board  from  some  time  pre 
vious  to  1855,  and  up  to  1890,  was  the  one  official  who  did  not 
join  the  New  Connexion  at  the  time  of  the  secession.  He  was  the 
oldest  and  one  of  the  most  respected  members  of  the  church,  and 
was  a  class  leader  for  very  many  years. 

Another  name  worthy  of  special  mention  is  Mr.  John  Millen, 
class  leader  for  -a  number  of  years.  Everybody  who ,  knew  him 
regarded  him  as  a  sincere  Christian.  His  prayers  and  exhorta 
tions  at  the  prayer  meetings  are  not  forgotten  yet.  Mr.  Millen 
was  city  missionary  for  a  number  of  years,  under  the  direction  of 
the  Young  Men's  Christian  Association  of  this  city. 

The  late  Mr.  Richard  Richards,  local  preacher,  must  not  be 
passed  without  a  tribute  being  paid  to  his  noble  example  and 
abundant  works. 

The  name  of  the  late  Miss  Catherine  Curry  who  on  account  of 
her  many  deeds  of  mercy,  was  called  "the  angel  of  the  Quebec  Sub 
urbs,"  must  not  be  passed  without  a  tribute  being  paid  to  her  noble 
example  and  abundant  works. 


This  record  would  be  incomplete,  without  rearing  to  the  suc 
cession  of  noble  women  who  have  devoted  their  best  services  to 
the  furthering  of  the  interests  of  this  Church.  The  greater  num 
ber  of  whom  have  passed  over  to  the  silent  majority. 

In  early  times  we  had  Mrs.  John  Walker,  Mrs.  B.  Pickup, 
Miss  C.  Currie,  Mrs.  R.  Connolly,  Mrs.  Greig.  The  late  Mrs.  A. 
W.  Hood,  Mrs.  W.  Peatman,  the  late  Mrs.  T.  D.  Hood,  Mrs. 
Thomas  Little,  Miss  Little,  Mrs.  Robt.  Nicholson,  Mrs.  John  Mit 
chell,  Mrs.  David  McMillen,  Mrs.  Terrill,  Mrs.  Weldon,  Mrs.  John 
Ferns,  Mrs.  John  Burrell,  for  many  years  treasurer  of  the  Wo 
man's  Missionary  Society  ;  Mrs.  Wm.  Armstrong,  Mrs.  Costen, 
Mrs.  Ellis,  E.  Dickson,  Mrs.  Martinson,  Mrs.  S.  P.  Robins,  Mrs. 
Dickson,  Mrs.  E.  S.  Lancey,  Mrs.  A.  G.  Pisher  and  Mrs.  John  Wil- 


son.  Two  of  those  who  have  lately  crossed  the  line  deserve  special 
notice.  Mrs.  W.  Wilkinson  was  a  noble  example  of  unselfishness, 
and  was  foremost  in  every  good  work— prefering  the  interests  of 
the  East  End  Church  to  her  own. 

Mrs.  John  McGarry,  sincerely  regretted,  was  another  self-deny 
ing   woman   who   devoted    her   best   services   to   this   church    during 


a  long  and  active  life.  .She  was  present  at  the  last  Sunday  service 
held  in  the  old  church,  Sept.  25th,  1904.  After  reaching  her  home 
she  took  ill  and  died  within  a  few  hours  and  was  buried  from  the 
church  she  loved  so  much. 

These,  with  many  others,  rendered  most  efficient  service  to  the 
church    and    through    it   to   society. 

Among  the  many  who  have  removed  to  other  fields  of  labor 
whose  work  and  service  have  been  highly  appreciated  by  the  con 
gregation,  we  name  a  few  as  memory  may  suggest  :  Mrs.  Jas. 
Kyle,  Miss  Bailard,  Miss  Rayburn,  late  Mrs.  Smardon,  Mrs.  John 
Little,  of  London.  Mrs.  W.  H.  Kollmyer,  Mrs.  Gardner,  Mrs./  Hen 
derson,  Mrs.  A.  W.  Hood,  Mrs.  Kneeland,  the  Misses  Terrill,  Mrs. 
J.  McComb,  Mrs.  J.  H.  Ferns,  Mrs.  Flower,  Mrs.  Gough,  Miss  Shen- 
nick,  Miss  Lizzie  and  Florence  Fox,  Mrs.  Shuttleworth,  Mrs. 
Ahern,  Mrs.  Dorion.  The  Misses  Maria  and  Fanny  Mitchell  who 
excelled  in  the  service  of  song  when  the  tuning  fork  was  the  only 
musical  instrument  we  had.  Mrs.  Geo.  Mitchell,  Mrs.  G.  S.  Rorke, 
Mrs.  S.  R.  Burrell,  Miss  Lillian  Robins,  Mrs.  W.  H.  Weldon,  the 
Misses  Wynn,  Miss  Effie  Lamb,  Mrs.  Fox.  Mrs.  S.  P.  Robins  has 
been  president  and  secretary  of  the  Woman's  Missionary  Society 
for  years  and  has  given  her  services  to  this  church  unstintingly. 
also  Mrs.  John  Mills. 

Formerly  the  ladies  conducted  a  Dorcas  Society,  making  up 
warm  garments  chiefly  for  the  children  of  the  Sunday  school  who 
were  needy.  Lately  the  necessity  for  this  passed,  and  a  committee 
of  the  teachers  has  been  formed  who  takes  charge  of  this  depart 
ment  of  work. 

The  energy  of  the  ladies  then  found  vent  in  a  wider  field,  and 
they  formed  the  Women's  Missionary  Society,  a  branch  of  the 
larger  association. 

Of  the  men  who  have  ceased  to  work    here    or    gone  to  other 
fields  of  labor  we  have  space  to  name  but  a  very  few.     Mr.  T.  M. 
Fox,  who    has,  for  a  number    of  years,  so    successfully  filled    the 
office  of  trustee   steward.     Mr.   John   McGarry,   aged  86,   the   oldest 


member  now  living,  who  has  liberally  supported  the  church 
throughout  his  lifetime,  and  Mr.  Jos.  Mills  who  was  ready  for  any 
service.  Mr.  W.  F.  Borland— but  time  would  fail  to  name  all 
who  though  absent  are  ever  remembered. 

It  is  not  difficult  to  eulogize  the  dead  or  the  absent,  but  when 
we  single  our  or  praise  a  few  out  of  a  numerous  band  of  earnest 
workers  the  task  seems  serious. 


There  are  two  names  deserving  of  special  notice  for  their  more 
abundant  labors  :  Mrs.  Hinchcliff  who,  in  addition  to  a  general 
interest  in  all  departments  of  church  work,  has  charge  of  the 
primary  department,  "a  work  of  love,"  and,  .with  her  band  of 
helpers,  is  very  successful. 

Mrs.  Morrison  has  for  years  taken  charge  of  the  Band  of  Hope, 
giving  up  much  of  her  time  to  it  besides  taking  a  general  interest 
in  all  church  work. 


The  last  wedding  in  the  old  church  was  celebrated  on  the  26th 
May,  1904,  contracting  parties  being  Mr.  Wm.  Crussel  and  Miss 
Maggie  Wilson. 

The  last  funeral  to  leave  the  old  church  was  that  of  Mrs.  John 
McGarry,  on  the  28th  September,  1904. 

The  last  Sunday  service  were  held  on  the  25th  September,  1904. 
Morning  preacher,.  Rev.  Dr.  W.  Jackson;  evening  speakers,  Rev. 
Dr.  Shaw,  Rev.  Dr.  Griffith,  Professor  Kneeland  and  Colonel  Little, 
of  London,  Ont.  The  Rev.  W.  H.  Stevens,  pastor,  in  the  chair. 

The  last  week  night  service  was  conducted   in  the   auditorium 

of   the   church   on   Wednesday,    28th,  1904.       The    pastor   preached 

and  at   the   close   of  the   service  the  sacrament   was   administered 

to   about   seventy-five  persons — some  partaking  of  it  for  the  first 


Two  other  names  that  must  not  be  omitted  in  this  connection 
of  those  who  rendered  valuable  services  to  the  Church  and  Sab 
bath-school  are  Mr.  A.  C.  Bennett,  who  filled  the  office  of  secretary 
to  the  Sabbath-school  for  many  years,  and  was  a  favorite  with  all 
the  scholars— the  other  is  the  late  Mr.  Fred.  Bennett,  who  was 
librarian  of  the  school,  and  also  helped  in  the  church  choir. 

Mrs.  Ewan,  wife  of  Dr.  Ewan,  formerly  Miss  S.  J.  Lewth- 
waite,  and  a  former  member  of  the  church  and  Epworth  League  of 
Christian  Endeavor,  and  a  teacher  in  the  Sunday  School,  was 
with  her  husband,  laboring  on  the  mission  field  in  China,  whither 
they  went  in  1897.' 

MRS.    (DR.)    EWAN. 

DR.    R.    B.    EWAN. 

There  are  connected  with  the  church  the  usual  Ladies'  Aid  So 
ciety,  the  Epworth  League  of  Christian  Endeavor,  and  a  woman's 
missionary  society,  all  of  which  are  doing  splendid  work. 

The  Sunday-school  has  always  been  one  of  the  leading  features 
in  connection  with  this  church.  Its  record  would  make  a  very  in 
teresting  history  of  itself. 

The  earliest  records  have   been  lost,  but  a  banner  still   m  pos 
session  of  the  school  bears  the  date  1833,  from  which  it  is  reason 
able  to  suppose  that  it  was  organized  in  that  year,  if  not  before, 
would  appear  that  the  late  Dr.  Geo.  Douglas  and  Mr.  Archie  Ben 
nett  were  two  of  the  earliest  superintendents  of  this  school, 
sessions     then     were     held     at    2.30     o'clock     on     Sunday     after- 


noons.  The  records  extant  give  the  following  list  of  superintendents 
for  the  years  indicated:— 1856-57,  Mr.  Connolly;  1858-64,  Mr.  Pickup; 
1864-65,  Mr.  Rosevear;  1867-73,  Mr.  A.  W.  Hood;  1874-76,  Mr.  A. 
Irwin;  1877-78,  Mr.  McCracken;  1878-79,  Mr.  T.  B.  Johnston;  1879, 
Mr.  And.  Irwin  and  Hy.  Armstrong;  1880,  Mr.  H.  Armstrong;  1881, 
Mr.  T.  McComb;  1882-84,  Mr.  Jas.  Murray;  1885-86,  the  Rev.  Jas. 
Kines;  1887-88,  Mr.  J.  H.  Perns;  1889,  Mr.  J.  H.  Ferns;  1890-93,  Mr. 
J.  Flower;  1894,  the  Rev.  F.  McAmmond;  1895-96,  Mr.  Andrew 
Irwin  ;  from  1897  to  1903,  Mr.  Geo.  Deacon  who  was  ably  assisted 
by  Mr.  A.  G.  E.  Ahern. 

A  morning  school  was  started  also  in  1856,  which  was  kept  up 
until  1876  under  the  following  superintendents:  Mr.  Pickup,  D.  Mc- 
Millen,  Mr.  Eckroyd,  Mr.  Vine,  Andrew  Irwin  and  Mr.  Ellis  Dick- 
son.  The  names  of  Mr.  A.  C.  Bennett  as  secretary  and  Mr.  Fred. 
Bennett  librarian,  are  also  tenderly  remembered. 

Prof.  A.  W.  Kneeland  was  connected  with  the  old  church  for 
many  years.  He  filled  the  office  of  circuit  steward  in  a  very  able 
manner.  As  a  local  preacher  he  frequently  preached  from  the  old 
pulpit.  By  request  he  has  written  the  following,  concerning  it: 

The  old  pulpit  of  the  East  End  Methodist  Church  was  the  most 
quaint  and  at  the  same  time  the  most  elegant  piece  of  furnishing, 
in  the  building. 

Standing  high  on  four  beautifully  wrought  supports,  at  first 
sight  it  seemed  frail  and,  to  a  timid  man,  somewhat  dangerous; 
but  when  the  man  of  God  had  reached  his  seat  within,  he  found 
it  his  ideal  of  comfort;  and  the  perfect  command  of  every  part  of 
the  large  edifice  which  it  afforded,  at  once  destroyed  his  first 
feeling  of  dislike,  while  the  splendid  character  of  its  construction 
was  soon  made  manifest  by  the  unyielding  firmness  of  the 

Just  as  the  change  of  a  single  word  in  a  passage  of  Scripture, 
often  mars  the  beauty  of  the  whole  group,  so  the  slightest  change 
in  the  form  or  position  of  the  old  pulpit  seemed  to  mar  its  beauty 
and  render  it  out  of  harmony  with  the  architecture  of  the  edifice. 
Indeed  the  pulpit  seemed  designed  for  the  Church  and  the  Church 
for  the  pulpit;  so  far  as  form  and  position  were  concerned.  But 
when  the  past  worshippers  in  the  East  End  Church  come  to  recall 
the  great  and  good  men  who  have  adorned  the  old  pulpit  and  who 
from  it  have  expounded  the  word  of  God  to  trusting  believers, 
uttered  blessed  promises  to  weary  and  discouraged  pilgrims  and 
in  no  uncertain  tones  declared  God's  judgments  upon  the  impeni 
tent,  then  a  feeling  akin  both  to  awe  and  love  is  awakened;  and  to 
anyone  who  would  lay  ruthless  hands  upon  that  sacred  thing,  one 
would  be  constrained  to  use  words  similar  to  those  of  the  poet — 
"Woodman,  spare  that  tree;  In  youth  it  sheltered  me;  And  I'll 
protect  it  still." 

There  is  little  in  the  beauty  of  the  design;  there  is  little  in  the 
excellency  of  the  material;  but  in  the  sacred  memories  that  cling^ 
around  the  old  pulpit,  there  is  more  than  >a  passing  sentiment. 


DR.    S.    P.    ROBINS. 

It  is  with  much  pleasure  we  refer  to  the  ministry  so  freely 
rendered  by  Dr.  S.  P.  Robins  in  the  pulpit.  His  sermons  were 
replete  with  good  common  sense,  and  were  models  of  Christian 
teachings,  he  was  local  preacher,  class  leader  and  teacher.  His 
lengthy  service  to  this  church  is  worthy  of  more  than  a  passing 

As  our  space  in  this  pamphlet  is  somewhat  limited,  we  can 
but  briefly  refer  to  a  few  of  those  who  belonged  to  the  Church: 

The  late  Robert  Nicholson,  in  his  capacity  as  Trustee  Steward, 
rendered  valuable  help  to  the  church  for  a  number  of  years,  and 
was  one  of  its  large  financial  supporters.  His  four  sons — George, 
Robert,  William  and  John  were  also  connected  with  the  society, 
and  three  of  them  in  turn  were  Secretary  to  the  Sabbath  School. 

Mr.  James  Hamilton  Ferns,  filled  the  offices  of.  Trustee  Steward 
and  Sabbath  School  Superintendent  with  acceptance.  His  uncle, 
Mr.  John  Ferns,  was  also  connected  with  the  church  for  a  number 
of  years,  and  was  a  cheerful  contributor  to  its  funds. 

Mr.  Joseph  Eveleigh,  who,  for  a  number  of  years  worshipped  in 
this  church,  never  failed  to  give  tangible  evidence  of  his  interest 
in  the  prosperity  of  its  work. 

The  late  Mr.  John  Ballard  was  so  regular  in  his  attendance, 
that  his  absence  for  one  Sibbath  was  noticeable  by  all.  He  was 
never  known  to  be  late  for  any  of  the  Sabbath  services,  during  the 
many  years  he  worshipped  in  the  old  church. 

The  late  Mr.  S.  R.  Richards  was  a  respected  member  for  many 
years.  He  was  a  class  leader  and  a  local  preacher,  and  member  of 
the  Choir.  He  was  a  lover  of  sacred  music. 

Mr.  John  Terrill,  sr.,  for  many  years  the  leading  tenor  singer  in 
the  choir,  was  also  a  member  of  the  Quarterly  and  Trustee 

Mr.  Geo.  Robinson,  senior  member  of  the  firm  of  Robinson,  Little 
&  Co.,  of  London,  Ont.,  is  one  of  the  old  members  of  East  End. 

He  still  retains  a  warm  affection  for  the  Old  Church  and  has 
shown  a  pratical  appreciation  of  the  effort  to  erect  a  new  church 

The  late  Mr.  Thomas  Little,  was  for  some  time  the  Librarian  in 
the  Sunday  School.  In  connection  with  the  work  in  the  church  he 
also  gave  his  support  in  very  many  ways.  His  son,  Mr.  John 
Little,  was  very  popular  in  the  S<abbath  School  with  both  teachers 
and  scholars,  during  his  long  term  of  secretaryship.  He,  some 
years  ago,  removed  to  London,  Ont.,  where,  some  time  afterwards 
he  was  elected  Mayor  of  that  city.  Though  separated  from  the 
old  church,  he  still  has  a  warm  feeling  toward  it,  and  has  given 
evidence  of  it  by  a  large  contribution  toward  the  nsw  church. 

The  late  Mr.  John  Holland,  was  long  identified  with  church  and 
Sunday  School.  He  was  regarded  in  his  day  as  the  model  Bible 
Class  Teacher. 


The  late  Francis  Corner,  for  many  years  a  teacher  in  Sabbath 
school  and  also  a  member  of  the  official  Board,  is  still  held  in 
remembrance  by  many  of  those  whom  he  taught  in  the  school. 

The  late  Mr.  Cooper,  was  a  staunch  supporter  of  the  work  car 
ried  on  in  this  church  in  his  day.  He  will  be  remembered  by  many 
of  the  older  members  as  the  man  who  always  came  to  church — 
summer  or  winter — wearing  a  large  straw  hat.  He  loved  fresh  air 
to  such  an  extent  that  he  kept  his  bedroom  window  open  at  nights 
no  matter  how  the  mercury  stood  in  the  thermometer. 

REV.  DR.  D.   V.  LUCAS 
(See  Page  10.) 

There  are  many  other  names  we  would  like  to  comment  uoon 
—viz:  the  late  Mr.  John  Weldon,  father  of  Mr.  W.  Weldon,  Mana 
ger  of  the  Windsor  Hotel,  the  late  Messrs.  G.  Langtry,  C.  Perkins, 
Robert  Corner,  sr.,  and  Fred  Baker;  also  Mr.  Silas  Carpenter,  who 
liberaly  supported  the  cause  while  connected  with  it,  but  our  space 
forbid  us. 


Mr.  John  Burrei,  still  continues  his  connection  with  the  church, 
and  take  a  deep  interest  in  its  welfare. 

Mr.  Thos.  McComb,  son  of  the  late  John  McOomb,  who  is  also 
a  local  preacher  and  has  been  a  very  active  worker  in  all  depart 
ment  of  this  church,  should  also  be  mentioned  in  this  sketch,  as 
he  has  given  valuable  time  and  information  in  the  compilation  of 
this  book.  His  brother,  John  McComb,  of  the  firm  of  Lockerby 
and  McComb,  should  also  be  mentioned  as  an  old  and  faithful 
worker  in  the  old  East  End. 


Rev  W.  H.  Stevens,  Pastor;  W.  G.  Burrell,  Treasurer  Trustee 
Board;  Thos.  Cathcart,  J.  Dickinson,  W.  Gallagher,  J.  D.  Haines, 
Thos.  Hutchinson,  Thos.  L.  Hinchliff,  Jno.  Innes,  A.  Lewthwaite; 
W.  D.  Lewthwaite,  Recording  Steward;  J.  B.  Musgrove,  Jno.  Mc 
Clelland,  Thos.  McComb,  Geo.  Ransom,  Jno.  Ransom,  R.  Reany, 
Sec.  Trustee  Board,  and  R.  F.  Richardson. 


The  officers  and  teachers  for  1903-1904  were  as  follows:  Super 
intendent,  Mr.  W.  G.  Burrei;  Asst.-Supts.,  Mr.  R.  Reany,  Mr. 
A.  G.  E.  Ahearn.  Organist,  Miss  May  Gifford;  Secretary,  Mr.  James 
Hutchinson;  Asst.-Secretary,  Mr.  Ed.  Jones;  Treasurer,  Mr.  Thos. 
Hutchinson;  Libre rian,  Mr.  Thos.  L.  Hinchliff;  Asst.-Librarian, 
Mr.  W.  D.  Lewthwaite;  Teachers:  Rev.  W.  H.  Stevens,  Thos. 
Hutchinson,  R.  Reany,  W.  Shepherd,  Chas.  Crane,  Jos.  Jenkins, 
Mrs.  Crane,  Mrs.  T.  McComb,  Mrs.  Gray,  Mrs.  K.  Hutchinson,  Mrs. 
George  Hinchliff,  Mrs.  Piche,  Mrs.  S'nger,  Mrs.  Shepherd,  Miss  M. 
Gifford,  Miss  Lena  Gifford,  Miss  Lula  Gifford,  Miss  Jennie  Joslin, 
Miss  Emma  Joslin,  Miss  Lilly  L:n<?field,  Miss  Annie  Lingfield,  Miss 
G.  Ransom,  Miss  M.  Smith  Miss  May  Taylor  Miss  Marion  Christie, 
Miss  Mary  Jenkins,  Miss  Maggie  Wilson,  Miss  Laura  Taylor, 
Miss  Lydia  Taylor,  Miss  Hattie  Wynn,  Miss  Sarah  Jones.  Primary 
department:  Superintendent  Mrs.  T.  L.  Hinchliff;  assistants,  Miss 
Lizzie  Jenkins,  Miss  Lottie  Lingfield  and  Miss  Ethel  Hutchinson. 



The  plans  for  the  new  church,  which  have  been  prepared  by 
Messrs.  Pinley  &  Spence,  Architects,  show  a  plain  but  attractive 
exterior  of  brick  and  stone.  The  site  is  situated  at  the  corner  of 
Bertrand  and  DeMontigny  Streets,  measuring  80  x  63  ft,  (one  block 
north  of  St.  Catherine  Street  and  one  block  east  of  Papineau  Ave.) 
being  the  centre  of  present  congregation,  the  main  entrances  and 
principal  facade  being  on  Bertrand  Street;  these  entrances  lead 
directly  to  the  Auditorium  and  has  seating  capacity  for  nearly  400 
people.  Provision  has  also  been  made  for  future  extension  by 
adding  a  large  gallery  around  three  sides  of  the  Auditorium,  which 
would  add  to  the  seating  capacity  of  the  Church  by  about  250  seats. 

The  pulpit,  choir  and  organ  loft  are  situated  in  the  centre  of 
the  east  side  of  Church  facing  the  main  entrances  on  Bertrand 
Street.  The  choir  is  large  and  roomy  having  seating  capacity  for 
over  30. 

The  basement  is  reached  from  the  north-main  entrance  on 
Bertrand  Street,  and  is  exceptionally  high  and  well  lighted  on  three 
sides,  the  plans  providing  for  its  being  damp  proof. 

The  side  entrance  on  DeMontigny  Street  leads  to  the  Minister's 
Vestry,  Choir-room,  etc.,  while  the  rear  of  basement  containing  heat 
ing  apparatus,  kitchen,  etc.,  is  reached  by  a  side  entrance.  kee/Ding 
this  part  of  the  building  entirely  separate. 

The  foundations  of  Church  are  now  nearly  completed,  and  it 
is  expected  that  the  roof  will  be  on  the  building  before  winter 
sets  in. 



Hon.  President 
President     . .    . 
1st  Vice-Pres. 
2nd  Vice-Pres. 
3rd  Vice-Pres. 
4th  Vice-Pres. 
Secretary     . .    . 
Organist     . .    . . 

Rev.  W.  H.  Stevens, 

J.  B.  Musgrove. 

Mrs.  Piche 

Miss  Jennie  Cole 

Miss  M.  Jenkins. 

Miss  Lilly  Lingfield. 

Secretary     Miss   Jennie   Cole. 

..     Mrs.  M.  Gifford. 

Mrs.  R.  F.  Richardson. 


Mrs.  Morrison,  Mrs.  K.  Hutchinson,  Mrs.  Gray,  Miss  L.  Jenkins, 
Miss  Lottie  Lingfield,  Miss  Gifford. 

THE  CHOIR  OF   1904. 

Organist     . . 
Choir  Master 

..     Miss  May  Gifford. 
Mr.  R.  F.  Richardson. 



Mrs.  J.  Blair. 

"  J.  McLelland. 

"  W.   H.   Stevens. 

"  Geo.  L.  Hinchliff. 

Miss  Jennie   Joslin. 

"  Emily  Joslin. 

"  Lilly  Lingfield. 

"  Lottie  Lingfield. 

"  Jennie  Cole. 

"  Mary  Jenkins. 

"  Laura  Taylor. 

"  May  Taylor. 

"  Lillie   Miller. 

Miss    Clara  Jacobson. 
"     Harriet  Wilson. 
"     Sarah   Jones. 
"     M.  Wilson. 


Mr.  Richard   Reany. 
R.  F.  Richard&on. 
T.    L.    Hinchliff. 
George  Black. 
John  McLelland. 
Wm.  Pyke. 
Ernest  Rodgers. 

Montreal.  East  End  Methodist 
3483    Church 
C22M64     East  End  Methodist  Church